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  • To suit Expo 4 Boltless Shelving
  • Price includes multiple solid steel sheets & screws

Expo 4D Solid Sheet Back Cladding

5 Day Delivery
SKU Description Price (inc VAT) Qty  
EX13/2007/WH Height mm: 2000
Width mm: 700
EX13/2207/WH Height mm: 2200
Width mm: 700
EX13/2507/WH Height mm: 2500
Width mm: 700
EX13/3007/WH Height mm: 3000
Width mm: 700
EX13/2010/WH Height mm: 2000
Width mm: 1000
EX13/2210/WH Height mm: 2200
Width mm: 1000
EX13/2510/WH Height mm: 2500
Width mm: 1000
EX13/3010/WH Height mm: 3000
Width mm: 1000